Sunday 7 July 2013


How intelligent this guy is, will done.

I must say I find this extremely interesting that even something as large as a parrot can still be discovered?! This had been named Pezoporus occudentalis which remind me that when listing Latin names the genus airways starts with a capital letter and the species a lower case letter. In the event if names for hybrids and colour morphs domestically produced names must start with a capital letter too and no species names so that the fact that it is not a wild specimen is obvious.


Oh how I envy people that get to go off and entrusted to search for new species!!

I was once requested to do this with an organisation I have been at odds with for several years now, the BBC. Well more specifically someone who worked with BBC Wildlife magazine as I pointed out to him the things they can get wrong. Unfortunately I stupidly turned this down sure a woman who single handedly and systematically destroyed my life and got every office you can think if to help her do it. She then set about doing the range to our daughter.

So I did not go off to the Amazon Forest in South America write unfortunately!

Strangely enough another offer was out to me by a Japanese chap who was involved in a big way in publishing across Asia. I featured in a number if magazines I never received the copies of. I know they printed because each time I contacted anyone I got a response of "ooh I know you! You toad guy from magazine!"

There was also a reptile magazine and a....FISH magazine, lol.

I an very interested to see this Parrot and more specifically reinforces my brief that such secretive and low life animals like amphibians and reptiles (oh and fish) still must have dozens if not hundreds of species yet to be discovered?!

Now if only....?!

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